Alyssa’s story

Alyssa, a health practitioner, made a complaint to our office in relation to a notification she had made about another health practitioner’s conduct

Make a complaint

Alyssa, a health practitioner, made a complaint to our office in relation to a notification she had made about another health practitioner’s conduct. Alyssa was concerned that the Board had not appropriately addressed her concerns when deciding to take no further action.

Our office initially sought to resolve Alyssa’s concerns through our early resolution process. With Alyssa’s consent, we transferred her complaint to Ahpra. In response, Ahpra advised that it was satisfied the Board had considered all relevant information when deciding not to take further action.

Our assessment of the available information, however, suggested that the Board may not have appropriately considered all information. We decided to open an investigation into the matter.

Our investigation found that Alyssa had further information to support her concerns that she had not submitted to Ahpra when she first made the notification. We requested Alyssa’s consent to share this new information with Ahpra on her behalf, and she agreed.

Following receipt of Alyssa’s new information, Ahpra opened a new notification about the practitioner. We finalised our investigation because we were satisfied that Alyssa was now able to discuss her concerns directly with Ahpra and the new information had been appropriately provided to Ahpra for the Board’s consideration.

Find out how to make a complaint to the Ombudsman or Commissioner.

Find out more about how to apply for review of Ahpra's FOI decision.

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