About us

We champion fairness by taking every complaint seriously and shining a light on systemic issues to affect positive change

How we can help


What we do

Our free and independent complaint handling service is open to all, including the public, health practitioners, education providers, students and specialist medical trainees. 

We assist with complaints about bodies in the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (National Scheme), including the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra), the 15 National Boards, accreditation authorities and specialist medical colleges.

We examine complaints to ensure that people are treated fairly at an individual and system level. While our office has different powers based on the type of matter being raised, we generally:

  • listen to concerns and identify common trends

  • consider whether the relevant organisation has followed or acted consistently with the relevant laws, policies and information

  • provide meaningful explanations and outcomes to individuals.

Our office also undertakes independent reviews and own motion investigations into systemic issues to achieve positive change in the regulation of Australia’s registered health practitioners. The Ombudsman and Commissioner can conduct investigations into issues of interest even if we do not receive a complaint about it. Learn more about own motion investigations

We use complaints data and trends to inform our contributions to public discussions affecting the National Scheme. An important way we contribute is through making submissions in response to public consultations and through engaging with our community and bodies in the National Scheme. Read our submissions.

We accept:

Complaints to the Ombudsman

Privacy complaints to the Commissioner

Applications for review of Ahpra's FOI decisions

Our values

We are independent

We make decisions and recommendations based on evidence and without taking sides.

We are fair

We are open and follow impartial processes to make sure everyone is treated equally.

We are courageous

We do what is in the public interest even if it is challenging.

We are respectful

We listen to and seek to understand the unique perspectives of everyone we engage with.

We are collaborative

We work with others to resolve issues and identify opportunities to improve.

Read more about our values

Our strategic pillars

We use three strategic pillars to help ensure accountable, fair, and responsive regulation of health practitioners in Australia.

Pillar 1: A fair, transparent and just process

We provide fair, impartial and proportionate responses to complaints, and support people to navigate the system and access resolutions where possible.

Pillar 2 – Actively creating a better system

We work proactively to identify broader issues in the administration of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme and bring about system improvements.

Pillar 3 – A future ready office where people thrive

We foster an environment that supports our people to grow and perform, while continuing to evolve our practices and systems.

Find out more

  • Meet the Ombudsman and Commissioner

    Meet the Ombudsman and Commissioner

    Meet Richelle McCausland, the National Health Practitioner Ombudsman and National Health Practitioner Privacy Commissioner.

  • Meet our team

    Meet our team

    The Ombudsman and Commissioner is supported by a small team of highly skilled professionals across three units: complaints, policy and communications and business services.

  • Our values

    Our values

    Our values help us achieve fair and positive change in the regulation of registered health practitioners for the Australian community.

  • Independence


    Learn more about how we provide independent and impartial oversight of the National Registration and Accreditation Scheme (the National Scheme).

  • Service Charter

    Service Charter

    Our Service Charter sets out the standards of service you can expect when engaging with us.

  • Policy


    Find out more about how our office operates.

  • Legislation


    Learn more about the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law (the National Law) and other laws that govern our work.

  • Work with us

    Work with us

    Check out opportunities to join our team.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? Give us a call on 1300 795 265