Feedback about our services
You are welcome to share feedback about how our services were delivered to help us understand what is working well and how we can improve
How we handle concerns
We handle all concerns in line with our service charter and organisational values. We are committed to protecting privacy and confidentiality.
We generally process concerns through three stages: assessment, investigation and resolution.
Our first step when we receive concerns is to carefully consider the most appropriate way to assist the person to achieve what they are seeking from providing feedback.
The staff member assigned to assess the concerns raised may:
- speak to the person who provided the feedback about alternative ways to achieve their goals, such as applying for an internal review of a decision
- refer the person to an alternative organisation that may be better suited to addressing their feedback. For example, concerns about our office’s jurisdiction and role likely need to be directed to Health Ministers.
- decide to investigate the feedback. An investigation is used to gain further understanding into the issues raised and to analyse and comprehensively consider the concerns raised.
- decide not to take any further action. This may be because there is evidence that the feedback was provided with the intent to cause harm to an individual involved, or where there was no substance or information to support the claims that have been made.
Most feedback can be considered, with an appropriate resolution reached, at the assessment stage (without progressing to an investigation).
If the staff member decides to investigate the feedback provided, they will identify issues of concern, and collect information about these issues from all available sources. This may include asking questions or requesting more information from those involved.
The staff member will then review the available information to decide whether the way our office handled a matter was:
- fair and reasonable
- in line with our service charter.
Feedback is generally investigated within three months. However, if complex concerns are raised, this may take longer.
After the staff member has investigated the feedback, they will generally speak with those involved to discuss their findings, and based on this, how best to resolve the matter. This may involve our office:
- offering an apology to the person who raised the concerns
- better explaining to the person why a certain procedure or policy was followed
- providing an explanation of why an error occurred, and the steps taken to prevent it happening again
- speeding up the management of a delayed matter
- reviewing or updating a process or policy
- taking disciplinary action against a staff member
- deciding that the handling of a matter was reasonable, or the services sufficiently delivered, and take no further action.
For more information about providing feedback about our service delivery, please read our policy.